Friday, July 16, 2010

The Amity Affliction

The Amity Affliction – Youngbloods Tour: 10th July 2010 Brisbane 18+
w/ Misery Signals (US), Confession and Flood of Red (UK)

The Amity Affliction’s ‘Youngbloods’ show can be called nothing but a success. As numbers built throughout performances by Confession and Flood of Red, drinks were drunk, merch purchased and the atmosphere was set. By the time Misery Signals hit the stage The Hi-Fi was packed with keen concert goings waiting in anticipation. 12 months prior, they were the heading the tour with Amity in their spot, this time round the roles were reversed. Misery captured the audience drawing all attention to the stage with the perfect blend of well picked songs executed perfectly and a stage presence that got the audience responding. The performance would be hard to match judging by the audience response as Misery strummed their last chord and crashed their last cymbal. But as expected, Amity did not fail to impress. The crowds response as the boys walked onto the stage is a huge testament to their rising patronage over the last year. The mosh filled with even more people and there wasn’t a spot to be had on the surrounding steps. The boys started the set with one of the singles of the new album Youngbloods, ‘I Heart Hartley’. The crowd loved it and continued to embrace every moment of it. The mosh was hectic as people attempted to crowd surf and scrambled on top of each other to try reach the mike as Joel Birch held it out to the crowd to join in. ‘Stitches get Snitches’ and ‘Youngbloods’ were highlights of the set with the intensity hitting highs. The encore was dedicated to two of the three security guards at the front who let the crowd enjoy the event unlike, in the words of Joel ‘this fuckhead here who is smacking kids for having fun’. Ending with ‘Stairway to Hell’, Amity had the crowd’s full attention for the length of the set with the atmosphere not dropping for a second. Fans didn’t go away disappointed with not a negative comment heard from where I was at the edge of the mosh pit to the streets outside the Hi-Fi. A great show for a great new album.

Youndbloods - Youngbloods P

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