Thursday, April 29, 2010

Characters in my Tale: Specimen 4

Specimen Four - Jarred the kinda Awesome

Habitat: Buried deep in the sandy dunes so even with copious amounts of time in the sun is still relatively pale (compared to normal people... not someone like specimen 1) If not their... other hobbies include being a train riding hobo commuting from the GC to Brisvegas in an attempt to increase IQ.

First Discovered: waist deep in calypso beach throwing rocks at innocent ride attendants passing by.

Food Groups: Pizza, Beer... Kittens?

Distinguishing Features: Annoyingly blonde hair and found with fist pumping in air. Need a a lift? Jump on his back.

Predators: Fat people in swimmers far too small them

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Characters in my Tale: Specimen 3

Specimen Three - Susi Mayer

Scientific Name: Suz Bucket

Habitat: The office, Hazel Tea House or G Clef... take your pick

Food Groups: bubble tea, starbucks green tea, other types of tea??? Money, she loves to eat money, or may as well.

Distinguishing Features: High heels, some form of fashionable clothing, immaculate face and hair with a very expensive handbag hanging off her arm. A boy named Shota within contacting distance however now she has her license, the taxi service isn't as required

Predators: Dirty cafe tables and booked out karaoke rooms

Friday, April 23, 2010

10 Ways in which I am a Ninja!

I know you will all be incredibly jealous of this fact, but i am in fact a ninja and there are exactly 10 reasons why. They are as follows:
1. I own several all black outfits
2. I drive a black ninja swift
3. I am ninja goalie... enough said
4. When dressed in goal keeper attire, I can do amazing kicks and dive rolls. I would like to see a non ninja do that
5. I am best friends with Jackie Chan's unknown sister
6. When I hide, no one can find me
7. I own a black cat
8. Refer to 4... its worth two spots
9. I own several ninja movies to learn new moves from
10. Have you ever seen me be a ninja? didn't think so, thats how ninja I am

you better watch out or I will ninja away something you might need.

ciao bella xx

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Characters in my Tale: Specimen 2

Specimen Two - Kaila McKinnon

Scientific Name: Littelius Whorua

First Discovered: In the dumpster behind the cab workshop picking up all her gold coins she had made it rain

Habitat: Found in fashion magazine isles, dining over coffee or cruising round with the tunes so loud you would think you were standing next to a musical jet plane. The coast is her playground and you are all just toys for her to play with.

Evolutionary Influences: Fashion Photography in both magazines and books, approximately the 1405634687694.4655 ugly boys she has sat and had conversations with whilst out because she must talk to the people beside her, all forms of glitter, Lady GaGa and the slogan "have a break, have a kitkat"

Distinguishing features: Comfy clothes... What are they? Dress up, or don't dress at all. A Pair of White glasses that everyone see's and a plethora of men trailing behind after her calling out her name

Predators: Bitchy girls stuck in the 10th grade 5 years after. Grow up and move on.

Characters in my Tale: Specimen 1

Specimen One - Shannon Elizabeth

Scientific Name: Littelius Monstorius

Habitat: A scary little creature likely to jump out at you from behind corners. Likes to pretend she is being productive but is really not. Not to be mistaken with the Littelius Whorua often found in close proximity. To be found with her earphones in somewhere around the gold coast dreaming she was somewhere else.

Food Groups: Festivals frequent her dietary requirements from the soundwave to the goodvibes and the splendor treats included. High in sugar, low in protein the diet of success.

Evolutionary Influences: At a young age Anthony Warlow and Joshua Kadison frequented the stereo, how ever this has developed to almost anything with drum kit, bass and guitar or two. New Found Glory, Lostprophets, Taking Back Sunday, The Strokes, Billy Talent, Something Corporate just to name a few.

Distinguishing Features: Tall, Blonde and rather peculiar. If spotted having fit-like convulsions - most likely dancing. A love for excessive use of punctuation...

Predators: None because everyone envy's her brilliance

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prince Albert hits the Pokies

Tuesday Night PA Bar at the Cas... the only place to be.
Why you might ask? Because you get to see me!
Unfortunately, numbers are slowly dwindling and the talent that was so ever present at the end of 2009 has all but diminished. We aren left with old people, ugly people and stupid people. Not so great company. However, the drinks are great (and cheap) and the people I take with me extraordinary.
K and B were hitting the town tonight. A few drinks, some dancing and chuck in a few rounds on the pokies it was quite a lovely evening.
I was going for a soft rock/folk image, dressed with my newest head wear. However, when in the Casino, I was told to take it off... twice.
Not nice at all.
That is all for the evening.

Ciao Bella xx


Meet my new friends, Zoe Wittners. We had a disagreement our first night out, they didn't want me to walk in them. We have spoken, and due to persuasion from SM we are having a second outing together on Friday night and hopefully, all issues shall be resolved.

As for my dress, Bardot (or more so K's dress) we worked well together and shall have a beautiful relationship into the future . I feel rather fashionable of late. What do you think?

Ciao Bella xx

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mr Sun

Mr sun he talks to me, he says hello, hello
When I talk to him he says lets go, lets go
Mr sunshine where we going, where we going
It doesn’t matter he says, just get up and get out of here

It’s a new day rising
It’s a good day trying
Yesterday is turning yellow with age
Its all about the new things the world can say.


Mr sun says goodnight he’s tired
But mr moon is right out shining
The days not over unless you want it to be
But the stars are singing and the beauty’s within.

It’s a new dawn coming
It’s a good night running
Every moments happening this day
Take some chances don’t let them get away



In light of new found inspiration, I want to write again.
'Vive Para La Musica' is Spanish for 'Live For The Music'.
This is my my motto because no whatever what, music makes a difference.

For as long as I can remember music has been my best friend. I have played it, I have listened to it and I have attempted to write it. The music normally fails but I like to think my lyrics aren't half bad.

I have never had a difficulty with what words to say, just how to express them. I have conversations in my head that never come to light because I can never say what I want to say to a persons face. So instead, I started writing them down in songs. I have been doing this since I was about 9 years old.

So every now and then, I'm going to post some on here in amongst other things I decide to write. I also want to write concert and album reviews for anyone who might care. Finally I will keep up my life reflections. The help me to get my head around things.

So for whoever might stumble across this and decide to read it.
I hope you like it
ciao bella xx