Friday, April 23, 2010

10 Ways in which I am a Ninja!

I know you will all be incredibly jealous of this fact, but i am in fact a ninja and there are exactly 10 reasons why. They are as follows:
1. I own several all black outfits
2. I drive a black ninja swift
3. I am ninja goalie... enough said
4. When dressed in goal keeper attire, I can do amazing kicks and dive rolls. I would like to see a non ninja do that
5. I am best friends with Jackie Chan's unknown sister
6. When I hide, no one can find me
7. I own a black cat
8. Refer to 4... its worth two spots
9. I own several ninja movies to learn new moves from
10. Have you ever seen me be a ninja? didn't think so, thats how ninja I am

you better watch out or I will ninja away something you might need.

ciao bella xx

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