Monday, April 19, 2010


In light of new found inspiration, I want to write again.
'Vive Para La Musica' is Spanish for 'Live For The Music'.
This is my my motto because no whatever what, music makes a difference.

For as long as I can remember music has been my best friend. I have played it, I have listened to it and I have attempted to write it. The music normally fails but I like to think my lyrics aren't half bad.

I have never had a difficulty with what words to say, just how to express them. I have conversations in my head that never come to light because I can never say what I want to say to a persons face. So instead, I started writing them down in songs. I have been doing this since I was about 9 years old.

So every now and then, I'm going to post some on here in amongst other things I decide to write. I also want to write concert and album reviews for anyone who might care. Finally I will keep up my life reflections. The help me to get my head around things.

So for whoever might stumble across this and decide to read it.
I hope you like it
ciao bella xx

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